There are two kinds of data files. The first one contains the phasefunctions and the parts of the phasefunctions polarized parallel and perpendicular to the scattering plane. The second one contains tables of the most important optical properties in dependence of wavelength and particle size and shape.
In these files the particle sizes A and C are given in [µm], the extinction coefficients in [µm*µm] (i.e. as extinction cross sections) and the lidarratio in [sr].
As an example, you may have a look at the
for particles randomly oriented in space, and at
for particles oriented in a horizontal plane.
In addition, there is a
There is a program "COP.FOR", written in standard FORTRAN77
(hopefully), to allow the calculation of 'Cirrus Optical Properties', i.e.,
size distribution wheighted phasefunctions and other optical properties
from the optical properties of the single particles. The program asks for
all the input it needs. First you have to select a wavelength. Second you
must decide which size distribution you want to use. There are three possibilities:
After this you have to choose a mixing ratio of columnar and platelike
crystals. The program will write its results to the file "RESULTS".
Note that the extinction coefficients now are volume extinction coefficients
given in [1/m] and are valid for 1 [particle/cm**3]. To get the total value,
you have to multiply this with the actual particle number density which
is also given.
The extent of our calculations is much larger than what is presented here. If you are interested, we could expand COP by the following data:
In addition, phasefunctions of horizontally oriented crystals which depend on the scattering azimuth angle can be provided on request. They cannot be presented in this data base because of restrictions in storage capacity.
In some single exceptions it may be possible to calculate special cases on request.
We plan to extend the COPE package with calculations for imperfect hexagonal crystals at lidar wavelengths.
COP is available by anonymous ftp at in the directory "pub/science/meteorology/cirrus".
We are very curious to learn what you are using COP for. Please send us a short note about that.
If you did find this database by accident (not following the note in our paper) and think it may be useful for you, please send us a short note.